Health and safety on farm is always important. It saves lives. But now, in unprecedented times and with the children home from school, we need to be extra vigilant.
If you are a tempory worker, who may not be used to life on a farm, you can read the briefing here.
If you are a parent, who now has your children at home from school, then there is a guide for you here.
If you are a student and have been drafted in to help neighbours or elderly relatives due to the coronavirus pandemic, then there is also a guide for you here.
There is also some advice from HSE about children on farm:-
- Children should not be allowed in the farm work place (and for young children they should enjoy outdoor space in a secure fenced area).
- Any access to the work area by children under 16, for example for education, or knowledge, experience, should be planned and fully supervised by an adult not engaged in any work activity.
- Children under the age of 13 years are specifically prohibited from driving or riding on any agricultural machine.
Further guidance can be found on HSE’s website
Most importantly, stay safe!
Coronavirus: Download the essential journey certificate
You can view more information about staying well on the Coronavirus - Wellbeing section of the website.