NFU Cymru has launched a new photography competition seeking to showcase to Royal Welsh Show visitors pictures that encapsulate what Welsh farming means to the nation.
Entrants are asked to submit images that fit one of the five #WeAreWelshFarming/ #NiYwFfermioCymru categories of food, tourism, environment, economy and rural life. The top three entries in each category will be exhibited in the NFU Cymru/NFU Mutual marquee at this year’s Royal Welsh Show, with the top picture in each category being awarded a £50 farm shop voucher or the equivalent value of goods from their local farm shop.
The competition categories are:
- We Are Feeding a Nation - This category is all about how Welsh farming is feeding an ever growing population (livestock, crops, food, local produce).
- We Are Supporting Tourism - This category is all about how Welsh farming is supporting tourism through providing access to land and producing outstanding views (landscapes, rights of way, walkers, Open Farm Sunday).
- We Are Enhancing the Environment - This category is all about how Welsh farming contributes to biodiversity and creates habitats for wildlife (ponds, hedgerows, fenced off areas etc.)
- We Are Boosting the Economy - This category is all about how Welsh farming contributes to the rural economy and provides employment. One farm deals with a huge number of businesses (marts, suppliers, contractors).
- We Are the Heart of Rural Life - This category is all about how Welsh farming contributes to rural life through community work, YFCs and so much more (community, choirs, YFCs).
NFU Cymru President John Davies said: “Our #WeAreWelshFarming/ #NiYwFfermioCymru campaign highlights all of the fantastic work carried out by Welsh farmers for the environment, people and communities of Wales. Through this competition we want to bring all of that fantastic work together in one place so that visitors to the NFU Cymru/NFU Mutual stand at this year’s Royal Welsh Show can be left in no doubt whatsoever as to the important contribution made by our industry.
“This is an opportunity to have your pictures seen by thousands of people on the NFU Cymru/NFU Mutual stand, as well as politicians, celebrities and other visiting guests, with five of the top entries also receiving a £50 farm shop voucher or farm produce. Every day we see amazing images posted on social media by farmers across the length and breadth of Wales and by entering the competition your image will form part of a rich tapestry of photographs highlighting the hardworking people in our sector and the beneficial work that they do.”
Those wishing to enter the competition are encouraged to email their image with their name, contact details and the category they are entering the image into to bmZ1LmN5bXJ1QG5mdS5vcmcudWs=. The closing date for entries is Sunday 14th July 2019.
Top tips for taking a winning photo, as well as the competition terms and conditions, can be found on the Royal Welsh Show Hub on the NFU Cymru website.