Coronavirus: Landlords urged to be flexible over tenants' rents
NFU Cymru members can read the letter here.
The letter describes how COVID-19 is creating specific challenges for farming businesses across the country, many which are still struggling to cope following a prolonged spell of wet weather which has led to widescale flooding.
COVID-19 is having an immediate impact on some farming businesses; particularly those supplying processors heavily involved with the food service sector and with farm diversification enterprises involving leisure and tourism. Some of our members have told us that demand has stopped and bookings are being cancelled. We believe there will be farmers who are supplying a company that could very easily go into receivership.
This current crisis follows six months of incessant rainfall with storms such as Ciara and Dennis leaving land water-logged or under water for many weeks; large areas are still too wet to drill at the present time, following no drilling in the autumn and costs are spiralling costs for livestock farmers.
NFU Cymru is working closely with its members to give them the latest guidance on grants and loans available from government in regard to the impacts of COVID-19.
NFU Cymru is asking landlords to be understanding towards tenants when it comes to paying rent; consider flexible payments, rent-free holidays and in some cases, a rent reduction. In fact, any help landlords can give to help their tenants during these unprecedented times.
We are also supporting our members to seek guidance on how to best manage any financial impact to their business, speaking to their bank and farm advisers, anything they can do to help any cash flow issues in the short and medium term.
NFU Cymru members can download a template letter to be sent to their landlord here