Safety first at farm event

02 Rhagfyr 2021

NFU Cymru members in Monmouthshire recently attended a Health and Safety awareness day at Raglan Farm Park, Raglan.

The event saw Thomas Price NFU Farm Safety and Transport Adviser; Evita van Gestel, NFU Mutual Risk Management Services; Craig Wakefield Coates, Western Power Distribution and Stuart Robertson, a local farmer, provide messages on the fact that the most important thing on the farm is you, the farmer.

In an industry, isolated and remote, it can be so easy to think ‘it wont happen to me’,  but coupled with time constraints, seasonal pressures and lack of labour this is when accidents do happen. All were reminded about working from heights, livestock and machinery with the drive home message – come home safe.

Overhead power lines

Members were also informed of electricity power lines – machinery has changed over the years and it is important to watch for overhead cables, as well as underground cables. If in any doubt, members can contact Western Power Distribution to get the cables inspected and if in an emergency dial 105. The app What3words is a good use of being able to let emergency services or Western Power Distribution know exactly where you are.

During the event, members were reminded of the 'safe stop' procedure with vehicles - handbrakes on, turn engine off and take key out if need be. It's about breaking habits and ensuring you are safe. Make sure you know where people are on yards especially if there are footpaths through yards – this has presented issues for farmers during the pandemic especially if trying to handle livestock or on machinery. Injuries by animals, bale stacks and building structures were all discussed with main risks identified.

Pledge to change

A number of farmers in attendance pledged one thing they intend to change on their farm to make it a safer place, from getting loaders tested, to increasing awareness of risks and getting PTO guards sorted. 

Useful links

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