Tips to pass your tractor test first time

22 September 2022

Tractor on country road

Taking any test is stressful and driving tests are no different. Last year the pass rate for a car test at the first attempt was 53%.

The pass rate for a standalone Category F tractor test was much better in 2021 at 88% of tests taken.

Prepare properly

Feeling nervous before a test is normal and the best way to make sure everything goes smoothly is to be properly prepared.

  1. Book early - During Covid-19 there was a lot of disruption to driving tests and many struggled to get an appointment. The situation is improving but best advice is to book a driving test slot in plenty of time once a learner tractor driver feels confident of passing.
  2. An effective way to take away some of the stress of expectation is not to tell everyone when a test is being taken. Put things into perspective – remember that if you do not pass first time it will be ok. There will always be another opportunity.
  3. When the test day arrives make sure you know what is expected and have all the documents needed with you.
  4. Get practice in. Drivers with a provisional Category F tractor license are not allowed to practice on road and can only drive on road when going to and from the test location. So, getting enough experience on farm in a safe environment is key. Learner drivers can get experience of driving in traffic by sitting in the passenger seat of a vehicle driven by a fully qualified driver.

Reasons for failure

The top failure reasons are:

  • Failing to move off safely
  • Failure to observe and have sufficient control when reversing left
  • Poor observation at junctions
  • Poor use of mirrors when changing speed
  • Poor position at a junction when turning right
  • Knowledge of the Highway Code
  • Failure to signal correctly.

Professional training courses

Transport related accidents are the biggest cause of farm workplace death and injury, and it is well worth thinking about taking a professional delivered training course in the safe use of vehicles such as those offered by Lantra.

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