The Rt Hon Liz Truss will become the new UK Prime Minister following the announcement today (Monday 5th September) that she was the winner of the Conservative Party leadership contest.
Following the Prime Minister’s appointment, NFU Cymru has written to the new Prime Minister to underline the union’s five policy priorities for the new government.
NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said:
“I would like to welcome Liz Truss as the new Prime Minister. We are in a time of significant change and challenge, but NFU Cymru looks forward to working with the new Prime Minister and her government to tackle these issues, capitalise on opportunities and to ensure a profitable, productive and progressive future for Welsh agriculture.
“NFU Cymru would like to see a firm commitment from the Prime Minister to a multi-annual funding agreement for Welsh farming. This commitment should, as a minimum, honour current funding levels.
“Given the sector’s reliance on export markets, not least for our internationally renowned PGI Welsh Beef and Lamb, we would like to see the Prime Minister ensure that our routes to our major export markets, the EU in particular, are not inhibited by any barriers to trade.
“The industry’s concerns over the impact of imports permitted in future trade deals – in particular those already agreed with the likes of Australia and New Zealand – are well documented. We want to see the Prime Minister set out a plan outlining how their trade policy will support the growth agenda we have for our sector.
“Our farmers are able to play a leading role in providing the renewable energy to power a greener Britain, but constraints within current infrastructure are holding them back from realising that ambition. We want to see a pledge from the next Prime Minister to make funding available to carry out the necessary improvements to the grid infrastructure to help reach both industry and government’s net zero targets.
“The impacts of the current energy crisis are hitting everyone in society and businesses are also being hit hard. Farming businesses are not immune from these impacts and we are hearing of members having to swallow exorbitant costs, which are predicted to rise higher later in the year. It is imperative that the new Prime Minister takes swift action to work with regulators and energy providers to address the rising costs affecting UK households and businesses, as well.”