The NFU PIP (Poultry Industry Programme) develops the skills and knowledge of young people in the poultry sector and helps them meet other young people, gain market and supply chain insights, and learn new skills.
The PIP was initially started by the NFU in recognition of a need to develop young people already working within the poultry sector and broaden their knowledge.
The programme builds on the existing skills and knowledge of the young people that take part to help them develop their careers as future industry leaders.
It is made up of a series of events which give participants a unique insight into the sector as well as creating contacts with other poultry farmers and industry specialists.
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Accounts from 2024/25 participants
Rosie Finney
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Assistant hatchery manager, midlands
I’ve been with PD Hook for around two and a half years, joining on a placement and staying as a graduate.
I know a lot of people who have done the PIP and they’ve all been encouraging me to have a go.
It looks like you get so much out of it and I’m also quite into politics so the programme really appealed to me.
George Cowper
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Broiler Producer, Midlands
In terms of what I would like to get out of it, I believe there is always room for some self development.
I pride myself in my ability to grow chickens well, but to move the business forward I need to be able to pass on those skills.
The social aspect of the programme is also important. I don’t tend to leave the farm walls due to work, so I’m looking forward to getting out and having a look around the industry, as well as meeting some new poultry folk.
Joe Flanagan
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Vaccine egg producer, midlands
I always fancied myself as a farmer so reached out to the local farms and worked at one for three years after school.
I’ve been at A&C Poultry for around two and a half years now, starting as assistant farm manager and proceeding to manager within six months.
I’d love to inspire other people who aren’t from a farming background to get into the sector, it is still accessible and is a rewarding career.
Lucy Hinch
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, free range egg producer, midlands
I wanted to apply to the PIP for the great opportunity to meet other people involved in the sector and to see different parts of the supply chain beyond our family farm.
Predominantly, I hope to make some good contacts and friends out of the programme and learn a lot! You learn the most from speaking to other people.
Toby Howe
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Seasonal Turkey Producer, East
The family business is quite traditional and we’re trying to move forward in a more modern way so I’m really looking forward to learning some tips to help us in that direction.
Callum James
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Free range egg producer, South
We recently took up a tenancy about half an hour from our current home farm and have set up a new company there where we have about 40,000 free range laying hens at that new site, in addition to the 20,000 at the home farm.
I’m looking forward to learning new things and picking up from other producers well as getting to understand more about the different sides of the sector – not just the farming, but also from the commercial side.
Stephanie Kerr
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Agricultural sales co-ordinator, East
I’m interested in promoting circular economies within the poultry sector through our wider agricultural team and hope to gain more understanding of how to help farmers and growers as well as the broader industry through this programme.
With increasing demands and strains placed on the poultry industry, it could be an interesting few years ahead.
I believe that education is key to helping the public understand the importance of the industry and of supporting our farmers by buying British.
Dominic Lucas
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Poultry business manager at Nimrod Veterinary Products, South
I have grown up on a small holding with sheep in Gloucestershire. While studying at Harper Adams I decided to pursue a career in the poultry industry.
James Lukins
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Broiler producer, South
I grew up on the family broiler farm so was lucky enough to have that as an option.
I gave it a go and five years on, I’m loving it.
I’ve never met anyone my age that does what I do so it will be really nice to connect with a like-minded group of people that are my own age.
George Dinnis
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, ABN account manager, East
My placement year from Harper Adams started my interest in the poultry sector which led me into my current role.
I’m looking forward to learning more about different areas of the poultry sector during the PIP programme.
Natasha Vaughan Price
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, Pullet rearer, Midlands
I’m building my confidence within the poultry sector and am excited to learn more while sharing what knowledge I do have with other people.
I’m also excited to learn a bit more about the different areas within the sector, network, and build contacts for the future.
Ben Chilman
NFU Poultry Industry Programme 2024/25, free range producer, Wales
With many crediting the opportunities and supply chain insights gained, coupled with the chance to meet other young people from within the industry, the experiences they have shared have been a major reason for my application.
Initially, at a younger age, I admit poultry was not a natural passion of mine, but over time it is something I have become increasingly passionate about, and therefore am always keen to keep furthering my knowledge of both the free-range egg industry and the wider poultry sector.