Beef price crisis: NFU engagement with retailers

29 July 2019

The NFU has developed the following asks of retailers in light of the severe price cuts affecting British beef farmers:

  • The formulation of an intense and co-ordinated period of product promotion and innovation by retailers and processors to help demand for safe, high-quality, fully traceable Red Tractor beef.
  • All retailers and food service business must ensure their marketing on origin and sourcing is clear at the point of sale.

The NFU's food chain team has written to all retailers outlining industry concerns regarding the downward pressure on the current beef price. Members of the Welsh livestock board also met retailers at the Royal Welsh Show.

NFU membersClick here to read further detail on the NFU’s engagement with retailers regarding the current beef price situation and what retailers are doing to promote British beef. The briefing also gives insights into some of the contributing factors putting pressure on farm gate prices.

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